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New Album 'Älskar'

November 2022


Im letzten Monat haben wir uns mit der Musikerin Nina Nesbitt zusammengesetzt und ein kleines Interview zu ihrem neuen Album 'Älskar' geführt. Lest hier aktuelle Eindrücke seitens der Musikerin, deren neustes Album erst am 02. November 2022 erschienen ist!


Congratulations on your new Album. It feels very personal. Tell me something about the writing process for “Älskar”.

It was a really different writing process with this album, a lot of it was created in the many lock downs that we had in the UK so I think it allowed the album to be a lot more personal that it would have previously been. There was something freeing about being shut in a room at home for a lot of it and feeling like I was writing lots of little diary entries. When I was able to get in the studio with other people it because extra special.

“Älskar” is Swedish for “Love”. What does this theme mean to you?

Jag alskar dig is something that I grew up hearing in the house as I grew up with a Swedish mother and Scottish father. I’m not fluent in the language but I’ve always had these little familiar phrases since I was younger. I knew I wanted to write an album with the theme of love in all it’s different forms, whether it be romantic, friendship, set, familial. I felt like Älskar was the perfect title, considering I made most of it in Stockholm and explored those side of my roots. I also I think we are in the age of people wanting to learn new things and have a word that people might not already know.

If you had to pick one song from “Älskar” for people to get to know you as an artist, which one would it be and why?

It would be hard to pick one as they all tell a different side of my story but I’m on tour right now and really enjoying no time for my life to suck, I feel like it’s a great song for 2022 and everyone Is just ready to try and have a good time and enjoy the little moment after a difficult few years.

What do you hope fans take away from listening to “Älskar”?

I hope that they love the album as much as I do and I hope it gives them a sense of comfort in knowing that they are not the only one feeling the way they feel. It’s quite a reflective album and I hope it makes people laugh and cry or feel something.

How did you evolve as an artist between this album and your last?

I think it’s just a natural progression as it’s been a few years, I think the stories have matured but I think the lyrical style stays the same. I really enjoyed working in Sweden for the first time on this record and I think there are some sonic influencer from Scandinavia.

You released collaborations with artists like Gabrielle Aplin, Justin Jesso or R3hab. Do you have any dream collaborations for the future?

There are so many artist I would like to collaborate with, I’m a huge fan of all different genres and I also write for other artist, so you never know what collar may be next. I’d love to collaborate with a German artist one day and if anyone has any suggestions, please let me know.

What is something in your music career that you still want to achieve?

I would just like to keep challenging myself and going out of my comfort zone as I think that is when you get the best stuff. I’m still shocked that this is my job so I just like to continue as I am and see what comes along, it’s hard to set goals in this industry as it’s so unpredictable but think there’s always so many surprises along the way.

You have been working in the music industry for a decade now. Which advice would you give new artists? What would you have loved to know when you just started?

I would tell myself to have patience and trust my gut instinct I think it’s easy to believe that everyone knows what they are doing when they first get started but no one really knows what they are doing, so I think it’s important to stay authentic and true to yourself and you can’t really go wrong.

What was your best tour experience personally?

I recently loved supporting Coldplay in Glasgow, it’s always been a dream of mine to play. Stadium and getting to sing on stage with Chris Martin was definitely a career highlight.

What can fans expect from your tour?

Since I’ve been making music for 10 year there will be songs from different eras and it will be an intimate acoustic show, I’m so excited to come back to Germany as it’s been a long time and I can’t wait to meet everyone.


Wir danken Nina Nesbitt für das tolle Interview und hoffen ihr habt einen guten Einblick bekommen! Besucht auch ihre Social Media Seiten und hört euch auf alle Fälle ihr neues Album an!


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