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Since you're a German/Japanese band we would like to know how the communication is working. Do you have one language that everyone is speaking fluently?

George: Normally we are talking in Japanese. The German part of IPO can

speak Japanese, therefore it is easy to communicate in such a multicultural

band. On the other side, it’s really interesting how much German the Japanese

half of IPO understands now. You might hear our international communication

on stage during our Europe tour!

Is there a special country that you would really like to perform in or that you're especially looking forward to?

Hiro: It's Germany. As you know, there are three Germans in our band, so we

hoped that we would be able to perform in Germany someday.This is one of

our dreams and it will become real on this time!!

We are looking forward to it!!

How do you usually spend your free time? Do you have any hobbies (besides making music) that you have in common?

Nils: I definitely consider myself a foodie. In Tokyo and all over Japan there are

many amazing restaurants from all over the world so I try my best to visit as

much as I can! It is very hard to find restaurants in Tokyo where the food does

not taste good, so it is always exciting when I find some new favorite places.

Concerning the band, we all love drinking alcohol and listening to music so we

often go out to party together or to watch some other bands concert!

When you think about the future, where do you see yourselves in question of music? Is there anything you want to achieve?

Flo: We are constantly trying to improve our sound and trying to improve

musically as artists to be creative and create complex music. Therefore in the

future we are planning to be able to refine and recreate our own sound and

also to become closer to our favorite bands quality wise.

Where do you get your ideas for your music/lyrics from? Any aspect that has a great influence on you?

Kunio: I try to include a wide range of emotion when I am composing music for I

Promised Once. From anger to sadness and calmness etc.

I also love the Adrenaline rush from using synthesizer mixed with guitar riffs

because it sounds so cool!

Additionally, movies and TV shows influence our songwriting as well.

Thinking about your time together, do you have a certain moment you treasure as a group?

Joe: My favorite moments being in I Promised Once always happen when

someone says “How about we try this way and it will sound awesome!” In this

moment, I can feel that the vision that only this person can think of becomes

reality through our music.

Are there special artists or bands that inspired you to make music? (Role models)

Nils: I loved Heavy Metal from when I was still very young, so a lot of the music

from that time has influenced in my songwriting and style of playing but also

some newer bands as well!

My biggest influences come from Sweden and Germany: In Flames, Soilwork,

Heaven Shall Burn and also some of the early American Metalcore bands like

Killswitch Engage & Unearth.

To sum up the interview please leave a message for your German fans! Thank you very much for taking your time and answering our questions!

Kunio: Hey thank you for checking out our band and for the amazing

opportunity to have this interview!

We're gonna keep writing songs for each and everyone of you!

Don't miss any out on our European tour and I look forward to see you there!


If you are into Metalcore/ Electronic Metalcore/ Hardrock music, defenitely check out this talented band!


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